Friday, November 21, 2008


Well we just got home from the 12:20AM showing of Twilight. We're the first people we know that have seen the movie, but I have some issues with it.

I know that any book turned into a movie is not as good as the book. Its a fact of life. And I've never read the book, so that's ok. But there were some seriously awkward parts of this movie. I'm so conflicted inside on whether this was a good movie or not that I can't even decide on how many stars I would give it on IMDB.

The love story progression was HORRID! The effects were not amazing, but because of the nature of vampires (being fictional), I wasn't disappointed by the effects. They were good enough to convey the supernatural abilities of the vampires.

The beginning was way too long. I didn't need to know why Bella moved and all about the small town in Oregon, or even that the ol' Santa Claus still remembered who Bella was from when she was 4 years old. Basically, I think the whole 20 minute (or so) beginning of the film could have been taken care of with a couple sentences of narration.

So besides the effects, I really liked the characters. The Cullen clan is fabulous. Everyone that was cast was fabulous. Bella was a little weak to me, but I can't say that I didn't like her character. There were some really great comedic moments in the movie that were executed perfectly. But now that its 3AM, I think I'm going to go start my homework and see what kind of decisions I come to after some simmer time in the ol' noggin.

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